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We use cookies
This site uses cookies for several reasons. First and foremost, to ensure the correct operation of the site, as well as to collect statistical data and to personalize advertising and marketing content. Learn more about this on our cookie policy page.
Necessary cookies
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the purpose of the use is to provide technical functionality of our websites. The data from these cookies are processed on the basis of W8.LIVE’s legitimate interest.
Statistical cookies
the purpose of the use is to identify usage trends and derive analytics and statistics. These cookies are used to remember your choices and make assumptions about your preferences for statistical purposes, the legal basis is your consent. W8.LIVE uses an automated tool called Google Analytics which allows us to record and analyze how you and other visitors use the website. You can learn more about how Google Analytics works and the information it allows us to collect and analyze here https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1012034?hl=lten&ref_topic=6157800.
Marketing cookies
the purpose of the use is to identify usage trends and derive analytics and statistics. These cookies are used to remember your choices and make assumptions about your preferences for statistical purposes, the legal basis is your consent. W8.LIVE uses an automated tool called Google Analytics which allows us to record and analyze how you and other visitors use the website. You can learn more about how Google Analytics works and the information it allows us to collect and analyze here https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1012034?hl=lten&ref_topic=6157800.